
Welcome to the dressage spot, a place for the young (or young at heart) dressage riders wanting to gain information on the sport of dressage, training tips, equine health care, maintenance and fun!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Today’s information again is focusing on information for the NAJYRC competition.  First, USDF region 9 put together an amazing brochure for potential riders, parents and trainers.  Take a look at it at http://www.usdfregion9.org/JRYR/NAJYRC-Region-9-Qualifying-Guidelines%20Program%20FINAL%20ONLINE%20Format.pdf

     This brochure was put together by Inez Campbell, a long time dressage mom, in my old region.  It is very user friendly and was written from the perspective of someone who has participated in NAJYRC competitions before.  The brochure gives riders and parents a tentative look at things like what the NAJYRC competition may cost.  Furthermore, it includes a great section on “what to expect” and frequently asked questions.  It walks you through the entire qualifying and competition process.  By far the best site for NAJYRC information! 

     Interestingly today I stumbled on a website for NAJYRC.  This looks like the official site separate from USEF or USDF website.  It is www.youngriders.org/Default.aspx     Unfortunately, this site didn’t seem as user friendly or as complete as the Region 9 page.  However, it will be updated with more ‘legal’ information as new qualifying dates and information comes out for the 2013 season.

     Another interesting service available for youth riders is the USEF High School Equestrian Athlete program.  I am a three year participant and plan to send away for my senior year patch soon.  This program is cool because so many youth riders don’t get recognition from our schools for our high school sport.  We are outside the normal high school competitions so we don’t get letterman’s jackets cool regalia!  The USEF HSEA program gives youth riders a chance to earn recognition for their hard work in their discipline as well as get free stuff and a chance to shop in an exclusive part of the USEF Catalog. 

     I can tell you the jackets are well made and really warm!  They look amazing as well.  You can get your name and your horses name on the sleeve of the jacket.  I remember thinking once when at a horse show where several of us had on our HSEA jackets that we looked like a team (or a gang J).  Thinking of a gang of dressage riders makes me smile.  Hard to think of anything that the participants are called Queens or Princesses as having a gang.  Anyway you have to be a USEF member to participate.  You have to complete a form and then log your activities.  There are a set number of requirements depending on your equestrian discipline.  But once you get your log signed, send it in and get your pin.  For details see the USEF site at:  http://www.usef.org/_IFrames/Youth/highschool/highschool.aspx

     Hope to see you sporting your jackets at the USDF Convention in December!

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